Do You Want To Become A Strong Disciple?

Without a doubt, lack of proper discipleship is responsible for the looseness, lightness and carnality in the modern Church. The average Christian is being tossed to and fro by every wind of doctrine and cunning craftiness of men and demons. Like the school of Tyrannus in Acts 19:9 & 10, Eagle Bible Training School [EBTS] was established to equip modern believers with life transforming teachings. We strongly believe that this online course will enable you have a taste of the sumptuous spiritual meals that will ensure victory in your spirit, soul and body. 

Enroll for our Eagle Bible Training School [EBTS] today.


Our courses are designed to equip and empower you to win in all areas of life.


Acts 19:9-10 says, “…he departed from them and withdrew the disciples, reasoning daily in the school of Tyrannus. And this continued for two years, so that all who dwelt in Asia heard the word of the Lord Jesus, both Jews and Greeks.”

Satan, the god of this world is not scared of your educational qualifications; but he is scared of a believer who is trained in the Word, because it is faith in the Word of God that will put you over in life.

EBTS is a place where you get trained in the anointed Word of God that empowers you to appropriate all that Christ has given us for life and godliness.


Take A Peep Into Some Of The Things You Will Be Learning

How to Have a Quiet Time

How to have a quiet time

Living a good life is no respecter of background or educational qualification. If you remain in Christ, and His words remain in you, then you will ask for anything you wish, and you shall have it. [John 15:7]. 

Your success in life is determined by how much you abide in God’s presence. The more time you spend with God, the more successful you become. To be successful is to have all that you need [wealth, health, peace, joy, sweet marriage, godly children, etc.] 

The devil has an idea of what you stand to gain when you abide in God’s presence, so he will always try to distract you from abiding–because he hates to see you successful. In this course, you will be learning practical steps to keep you abiding in God’s presence.

Principles of Prayer

principles of prayer

One of the striking signs of humility is prayer. It is not God’s will for believers to pray and not get an answer. A good prayer is the one you pray and receive an answer. If you don’t know how to pray, the enemy will rub your nose on the ground.

Prayer is not a last resolve–it is the key to getting results/help from heaven. It is better to know how to pray than to have a degree. Prayer is the Master-key! Prayer is not supposed to be boring; it is communing [talking] with God. It becomes boring when you are the only one doing the talking. 

Don’t use vain repetitions when you pray; God doesn’t hear you based on your many words, but based on your faith [Matt 6:7]. God already knows what you need before you ask; He just wants a license to act, and that is why you should pray.

Hearing God

hearing God

It is important that you fellowship with God by spending time in studying the Word, praying in the spirit, and being quiet in His presence to listen to His voice.

There are three basic hindrances to hearing God: (i)Ignorance (ii)Rebellion/sin (iii)Being tensed [anxious/in a hurry/busy]

The devil is a defeated foe, but you must continue to enforce his defeat. The church is meant to raise an army that will defeat the devil in every combat. This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith [1 John 5:4], and faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the Word of God [Rom 10:17]. Your spirit feeds on the Word of God; the more you feed and exercise your spirit, the stronger you will be, and the more you will be able to resist the devil. 


It's Time To Act

Now that you have taken a peep into some of the things you will be learning, and you have also viewed our course curriculum, you should be convinced that EBTS is a place to indeed get trained to become an eagle that soars above every storm of life. 


“This is the victory that overcomes the world, even our faith.”