Relentless faith

Relentless Faith

The devil gets afraid of you when you start hearing the Word of God in Faith. Good works are good, but what pleases God is Faith.

There’s only one fight you need to fight—it’s the fight of Faith, and when you fight the fight of Faith, you are sure to win. Faith is critical; faith is a lifeline. You walk and live by Faith. You go to bed by Faith and wake up by Faith.

But He answered and said, “It is written, ‘Man shall not live by bread alone, but by every word that proceeds from the mouth of God.'” Matthew 4:4 (NKJV)

Jesus is the Living Word; The Bible is the Written Word. The Living Word is everything the Written Word says He is.

If you don’t have Faith, you are at a big disadvantage. When you’re walking by Faith, failure is not an option.

Faith is now, not future, not tomorrow.

Now faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen. Hebrews 11:1 (NKJV)

Faith is substance.

It is hard to find Faith, even among the Pentecostals—Faith is scarce. You only know how much Faith you have when you are challenged. Don’t wait until you need Faith to build Faith,

For assuredly, I say to you, whoever says to this mountain, ‘Be removed and be cast into the sea,’ and does not doubt in his heart, but believes that those things he says will be done, he will have whatever he says.  Therefore, I say to you, whatever things you ask when you pray, believe that you receive them, and you will have them. Mark 11:23-24 (NKJV)

Faith comes by hearing the Word of God [Romans 10:17]. Every word in the Bible is creative, anointed and inspired.

So then faith comes by hearing, and hearing by the word of God. Romans 10:17 (NKJV)

There’s only one thing that you can do to escape the negative paradigms and history of your family – building your Faith. Faith is the only thing that will stop the negative history of your parents from replaying in your life.

Relentless faith

Faith is not hope. But hope is a necessary ingredient for Faith. If you are hoping to get married soon, it is not Faith – it is hope.

Faith, hope and love are all important. You can’t even walk in love without Faith. Walking in love is done by Faith; it takes Faith to walk in love with someone who has hurt you or is hurting you.

There’s a difference btween a confession of faith and a confession of hope—Faith is now, hope is future.

Faith is a Spirit, and you cannot catch “the Spirit of Faith” unless you are hungry for it. You need to build Faith in every area of your life, for the just shall live by faith. [Hebrews 10:38]

Relentless faith

Faith is unseen. That means you have not seen it yet, but you trust God regardless.

There is no scarcity of money or husband or wife, there is only a scarcity of Faith. There’s no option for a Christian, other than to live by Faith.

Faith and being Spirit-led are inseparable. Faith comes by hearing and hearing by the Spirit of God or the Word of God. Divine leading is by Faith.

When you’re walking with God, that is, walking by Faith, everything is subject to you. Angels are on assignment to influence things, people and opportunities in your favor, When you walk by Faith, you look strange to people. 

Only Faith can move God. It is Faith that gets the job done. When you are a person  of Faith, nothing intimidates you. When you are walking by Faith, your steps are ordered. A man of Faith is not moved by things or circumstances.

Relentless faith

You develop your Faith by:
1) Feeding on the Word of God
2) Exercise—putting you’re your faith to work

Faith believes and Faith speaks. Everything answers to a man or woman of Faith. Money has ears, you can call money by Faith. When you are trusting in other human beings to help you, you have missed it; no one can help you beyond their resources. But God has unlimited resources to help you.

When you are trusting God for a job, He gives you a job—even in an organization where you didn’t even apply for.

There’s a force in the realm of the spirit, that is influencing leaders globally to make wrong decisions. What this means is that, now even more than ever, you need to walk by Faith. 

We walk by Faith and not by sight. You are a Faith child of a Faith God. Even as a salary earner, you can determine the income that comes to you by Faith. It is none of your business how God will do it. Most people in the world walk by sight. Whatever is not of Faith is sin. If Satan can keep you in the realm of soul, the realm of thinking, he can defeat you; but if you can hold Satan in the realm of the Spirit, the realm of Faith, you will defeat him every single time.

There’s no sickness that has eaten you up so deep that Faith in the Word—simple Faith in the Word—cannot heal.

Satan uses the following to prevent people from walking in Faith:
1) Ignorance
2) Wavering

Satan wants to keep you from knowing the truth, and even when you know the truth, he wants you to doubt the truth. Satan’s job is to pull you from the realm of Faith to the realm of feelings – from Faith to sight. Make a commitment today to develop your Faith.

  • I can’t be moved!
  • I’m a winner!
  • By the stripes of Jesus, I am healed!
  • Premature death is cancelled in my family!
  • I’m sanctified!
  • I learn quickly!
  • I’m sharp!
  • I’m bright!
  • I’m intelligent!
  • I walk with God, and everything is subject to me!
  • Everything is subject to me as a child of God!
  • I walk by Faith and not by sight!
  • I am a Faith child of a Faith God!
  • I refuse to fear!
  • I have the Spirit of God!
  • I have a sound mind!
  • My body and my mind are quickened!
  • Satan cannot dull me!

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